Waiting | Nashville family photographer

I've been thinking a lot about waiting lately.  That's what this season is all about - the anticipation of what is to come.  We countdown the days until December 25th.  As children we long for Christmas morning so we can run down the stairs to see what presents are under the tree.  As adults we long for Christmas so we can be with those we love.  But do we really allow our hearts to long for more?  Are we brave enough to put our hearts on the line and yearn for what we cannot see with our eyes and touch with our hands?  I'm not sure I am.  It's so much easier to long for those things that are tangible - something with skin that I can touch and know is true.  Yet they always disappoint.  They never live up to the anticipation that causes my heart to beat a little harder with every day passing.  There is a loss once it passes.  We all know that feeling once the presents are opened and the food is put away.  The anticipation is gone and a sort of sadness takes its place.   Maybe I'm not brave enough to hope for more.  But I'm really hoping that I can open my heart just enough to let a little light in this Christmas.  And maybe in 10 years the light will be enough to fill up the darkness. Here is a beautiful friend of mine that has taught me a lot about waiting in the midst of hopelessness.  And has shared her story with us all to give us all hope of a story redeemed.